

Dr. Vernette is a licensed, board certified chiropractor in the state of Georgia. She specializes in wellness, corrective care, personal injury and pediatric & perinatal care.

Services include:

  • Spinal and extremity adjustments

  • Xrays - Full Spine

  • Class 4 Laser therapy

  • Spinal decompression therapy

  • Kinesiology taping

  • Cupping

  • Neuromuscular re-education therapy


Childbirth Doula Support.

What is a doula? A doula is professional trained in childbirth who provides emotional, physical, and educational support to a mother who is expecting, is experiencing labor, or has recently given birth.

Birth Doula services include:

  • Childbirth Mentorship/Education sessions

  • Parent Prep connections

  • Labor and birth Support

  • Immediate post birth support


    • Mother’s Blessing ceremony

    • Closing The Bones ceremony

“My purpose is to help women have a safe, memorable, and empowering birthing experience.” - Dr. Vernette Kountz


Childbirth Education.

Dr. Vernette is a certified Birthing From Within childbirth educator. Her classes are informational and interactive with skills to properly prepare expectant parents to access accurate and up to date information about childbirth and make informed decisions about their care.

Learn more about virtual childbirth classes and Postpartum Mental Health Workshop below.


Pilates x Functional Movement

Dr. Vernette knows the importance of healthy posture and movement patterns. She teaches corrective exercise to all populations, pre- & post natal Yoga/Pilates, and Pelvic rehab. Private sessions are available by appointment.

Sessions available in-person and online.


Speaker + Author.

Dr. Vernette is leader and educator at heart. She has been a guest speaker & presenter at several events and is known to speak life to her tribe of women. She is the co-author of My Piece of the Pie, a collaboration how-to book that discusses life as a black female entrepreneur. 

Dr. Vernette is now accepting speaker inquires. Click below to schedule her for your next event, workshop or conference.